The Contender

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I’m back in Manhattan after a long time away. And it’s nice to put on a tie again, even if it’s not exactly necessary. Maybe that’s why it feels good. I even wore a suit. I’m really excited to dress up and hope others are too, so I wrote about the return of the wardrobe over on the newsletter.

It’s all happening on the media front. The latest episode of Central Division is available for free on Spotify. Michael Williams and I discuss what we buy and why. We explore the motivation behind everything from long-term strategies, impulse investments and the dangers of the Barneys warehouse sale. If you’re into it then you can subscribe to The Contender and listen to the first six episodes if you have to, say, drive across Wyoming, and want some company.

I also went on How Long Gone and had a hilarious conversation with Chris Black and Jason Stewart, about fly fishing, Patagonia, Chateau Marmont, power lunches and the Westminster dog show. It’s a wild ride.

Hope you’re staying sane and healthy. Hang in there!